Sunday, 2 May 2010

Another Model Tram Series in Model Engineer

I am a little late with this, but Ashley Best is running another series in Model Engineer. He is describing building his Bury 1/16 model tramcar number 13. It started a couple of issues ago – No. 4374 and part 2 is in the current issue No.4376. That is in newsagents until 5th May.

You can find more details here Model Engineer.


I started last year on the painting, but then put the model to one side for quite a while.

Went back to it a few months ago. As I reported in my previous blog, I could not find a green that I was happy with. I have spent years, in between other tasks, trying many products! In the end I bit the bullet and decided to mix up some Humbrol Enamel paint. The Dundee Trams were Mid-Green or Grass Green, so I mixed Mid-Green (101) and added Yellow (24). As this is a large model I needed to mix a large amount so I used a 50ml glass bottle. To test the colours I used a reject side frame.

Test Side 1

Here are some of the colours I experimented with. The other side has more colours.

Test Side 2

I painted the stairs as the first stage on the model itself.Stairs Painted

I am now painting the lower-saloon. It was a couple of months from painting the green on the stairs until painting the lower-saloon. During that time the bottle of green of paint formed a skin on the top, so it was not completely air-tight. To avoid this repeating, I have decanted the green into an emptied 50ml Humbrol tin.